Placing the United Nations in the heart of London

United Nations Green, in the heart of London, is the only location in the United Kingdom to be named after the United Nations. It is perfectly located, between three nationally important buildings; Westminster Abbey, the nation’s house of prayer for state events, the Queen Elizabeth II Centre which hosts major international conferences and Methodist Central Hall Westminster where the UN General Assembly first met in January 1946.

Methodist Central Hall Westminster

Queen Elizabeth II Centre

Westminster Abbey

Unlike so many monuments in London which record occasions of conflict and loss of life, United Nations Green will create a space which encourages us to look forward, committing ourselves to reconciliation and dialogue. It makes a statement for peace, re-emphasising the purpose of the United Nations, intended to provide the platform for reconciliation and dialogue and which we still recognise as irreplaceable since its creation in 1945 through the first meeting of its General Assembly and that of the UN Security Council at Church House close by.

United Nations Green will be identified by black granite plaques depicting the UN symbol and ‘United Nations’ in the UN’s six official languages, Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish and recognition of those who have supported the project (see UK business supporting the UN). It will remain a favourite meeting place for Londoners and tourists to the city alike, all of whom will admire its sense of peaceful calm in the epicentre of the city.

Other locations worldwide linked by name to the United Nations
New York: The Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza Park was named in 1961. The Friends of Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza cares for it. Also, there is a United Nations Avenue in Flushing, close to JFK Airport.
Paris: The Place de Nations Unies is located close to the Trocadero where in 1948 the UN General Assembly agreed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Berlin: The Platz de Vereinten Natioinen, formerly Leninplatz, was named in 1992.
San Francisco: the centrally-located United Nations Plaza hosts a popular Farmers Market.
Mexico City: The Parque de las Naciones Unidas was named in 1996.
Manila: United Nations Avenue was named in 1959 and features the UN Underground station.
Buenos Aires: The Plaza de Las Nationes Unidas is a large, centrally located park.
Casablanca: The centrally located Place de Nations Unies is a popular meeting point.
Liege and Ans (Belgium), Dijon (France), Doha (Qatar), Tunis (Tunisia), Nairobi (Kenya), Lusaka (Zambia) and Bauru (Brazil) all boast Avenues or Streets titled United Nations.

Please contact us with details of other locations named after the United Nations.